
Welcome to - Create & publish dynamic templates effortlessly

Your one-stop solution to effortlessly create dynamic and customizable boilerplate templates for your next project. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, placecode empowers you to focus on what matters most - your application's unique logic.

The Problem

Starting a new coding project from scratch can be time-consuming and tedious, often requiring hours of boilerplate code before getting to the core functionality. While static starter projects offer some relief, they lack the flexibility to cater to individual developer preferences and project requirements. This limitation restricts developers from customizing the template to fit their exact needs.

The Solution

Enter placecode - a powerful npm CLI tool and web app designed to revolutionize your coding experience. Our mission is to eliminate the hassle of boilerplate code by enabling developers to create and use dynamic templates effortlessly and rapidly.

How it Works

  • Dynamic Templates: With placecode, you can create dynamic templates using simple comment markers. These markers allow you to specify which code snippets should execute based on the features you want to include in your project.

  • Web App ( Our web app,, serves as a central repository for dynamic templates created by the development community. Here, you can browse and select templates that suit your project's needs.

  • Customization Made Easy: Using the selected template as a starting point, you can fine-tune your project by choosing the specific features you want to include. Our intuitive interface generates a CLI command based on your selections.

  • Effortless CLI Integration: The same CLI tool used to create templates also enables you to fetch and process templates shared by others. Running the generated command within your project location will create a tailored project with your desired features.

Why use Placecode?

  • Flexibility: Unlike static boilerplate templates, placecode offers unparalleled flexibility. You have the power to craft templates that precisely match your project's requirements, down to the smallest detail.

  • Community-Driven: brings together a vibrant community of developers who contribute their dynamic templates. Benefit from the collective wisdom and expertise to streamline your development process.

  • Efficiency: With placecode, you save valuable time that would otherwise be spent on repetitive setup tasks. Spend more time crafting your application's core functionality and less time on boilerplate.

  • Suitable for All Skill Levels: Whether you're a seasoned developer seeking efficiency or a newcomer looking for a helping hand, placecode caters to everyone's needs.