Feature labels

Using Feature Label Names for Icons

In placecode.io, dynamic features in a dynamic template are visually represented with corresponding feature icons. However, feature icons will only be displayed if the feature label name used in the placecode.json file matches an existing icon name on placecode.io.

Checking Feature Icons

To check if a feature has an associated icon and find the exact feature label name required for the icon to be displayed, you can use the placecode.io/icon-finder tool. This tool will provide you with a list of available feature icons and their corresponding label names that you can use in your placecode.json file.

Default Icon

If a feature does not have a corresponding icon in the placecode.json file, placecode.io will display a default icon for that feature. The default icon serves as a fallback option to ensure a consistent and visually appealing representation for all features.

Remember that using feature icons can enhance the clarity and aesthetics of your dynamic templates, making them even more user-friendly and intuitive.

💡Suggesting New Icons

If there is no icon available for a specific feature label in placecode.io, you can help improve the platform by suggesting a new icon. We value your contribution and appreciate your input in making placecode.io more robust and feature-rich.

You can suggest a new icon by filling out a Google Form through the following link: Suggest New Feature Icon.