Revalidating Templates

Keep templates updated for consistency

After publishing your dynamic or static templates on, it's important to note that the platform fetches template data directly from GitHub. Therefore, any changes made to your template repository on GitHub may result in data inconsistencies between and your GitHub repository.

To avoid unexpected errors and ensure that the template information remains accurate and up-to-date, we highly recommend revalidating your templates after making any changes to the repository. Revalidating your templates is a straightforward process that helps synchronize the data between and your GitHub repository.

To revalidate your templates, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the "My Templates" dashboard on

  2. Find the template that you've made changes to and want to update.

  3. Click on the "Revalidate" button next to the template.

  4. The platform will automatically fetch the latest data from your GitHub repository and update the template accordingly.

If any errors are found during the revalidation process, the affected template will be immediately unpublished from to prevent users from encountering potential issues.

By revalidating your templates regularly, you can ensure that your dynamic or static templates are always in sync with your GitHub repository, reducing the risk of any unexpected issues and providing a smoother experience for users who choose your templates for their projects.