Project Initialization

Initializing a Placecode Project for Dynamic Template Creation

Placecode is a versatile tool designed to support dynamic template creation for any language or framework. It allows developers to easily add dynamic features to their projects, enabling faster development without boilerplate code. Before starting with dynamic template creation, you need to initialize a Placecode project. Follow the steps below to get started:


Before initializing a Placecode project, ensure you have placecode installed globally via npm. If you haven't installed placecode yet, follow the instructions in the Installation Guide to set it up.

Step 1: Check Placecode Installation

Once you have Placecode installed, verify the installation by running the following command in your terminal:

placecode --version

If the version number is displayed, Placecode is properly installed and ready to use.

Step 2: Initialize a Placecode Project

To initialize a Placecode project, navigate to the root directory of your project and run the following command:

placecode init

This will create a sample placecode.json file and the pc.config.json file at the root of your project.

  • The pc.config.json file contains the configuration for your project.
  • The placecode.json file is the most important file as it contains all the feature information used in dynamic template generation. This file will be customized based on the features you want to include in your dynamic template.

Getting Started with Dynamic Template Creation

Now that you have initialized a Placecode project, you are ready to start creating dynamic templates. Begin by adding comment markers to code blocks, files, and folders to associate them with specific features. Refer to the Guide: Using Comment Markers for Dynamic Templates on how to create dynamic templates.

With Placecode, you can easily tailor your project to meet your specific requirements, reducing boilerplate code and optimizing your development process.