placecode fmt

Format comment markers

The placecode fmt command is used to format all the comment markers in your project in a consistent and standardized manner. This command ensures that all the comment markers, including those used in code blocks, files, and folders, adhere to the required structure and are easy to read and maintain.

Unformatted Comment Marker:

// pc:   begin: feature2,   feature3
console.log("This code block is for feature2 and feature3")
// pc  :end:    feature2 , feature3

Formatted Comment Marker:

// pc:begin: feature2, feature3
console.log("This code block is for feature2 and feature3")
// pc:end: feature2, feature3

The placecode fmt command ensures that all comment markers across your project are consistently formatted, avoiding any inconsistencies or deviations from the standard. This enhanced consistency improves the readability of your codebase, making it easier for developers to collaborate and understand the various dynamic features present in the project.


placecode fmt